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It's been a while... It's been a LOT

#HowMuchisTOOmuch Sometimes, it seems like a never-ending road to nowhere...

So, in case anyone is unaware, our beloved brewery closed down this winter. This was a huge labor of love, and now... it's gone. What most people definitely do not know is that our family - extended family included - has also been facing an enormous, completely unrelated ordeal. I am not going into details, but is has effected us to the the very depths of our souls.

On a lesser note, it seems as though everything we have is secondhand, or getting old and often just doesn't work. This seems incredibly silly, but when faced with real-life ordeals, when you can't get your "new" TV hooked up to your cable provider, things go from horrible to almost unbearable. I know... #firstworldproblems. Plus, my car needs about $1000 worth of repairs, I can't get our dogs to stop peeing on our carpet (why is it ALWAYS the carpet??? we HAVE laminate floors in the kitchen!!)

Anyway, I have good days and bad days. It seems the bad days have been becoming more and more frequent, and I sometimes wonder when I will break. Well, it has yet to happen. I think my family is on its way to healing. The brewery situation is still pretty darn fresh, but I have to keep reminding myself that we aren't the first family to ever lose a business.

One thing that tragedy teaches is who your real friends are, and I have come to the realization that I have an AMAZING support system, and for this I am forever grateful. It is also SO important at times like these to find joy in the little things. I turn to the gym and find joy in the members I get to teach, the students I work with and on whom I hope I am making an impact at Davies, and I love to watch my titleholders grow. But also, I love the snuggles with my kitties, dogs (sometimes - when they're not literally pushing my legs off the couch), when my son actually allows me to hug him, when my daughter says amazing things like how we should not have a snow day because the kids need an education so they can go to college.

I might reach my breaking point, but that has not yet happened. So... we'll see! In the meantime, I will just keep turning to my support system, to my friends, coworkers (who are also friends), my children who have an uncanny ability to know exactly what to say, and I'll force my love upon the cats as needed. I put this out to the universe - to anyone having a tough time - I know I am hugely simplifying things and sounding cliche, but you have GOT to find the little things in which to find evening just a little joy. And, you HAVE to take it one day at a time. The whole week, even the next two days, can be incredibly overwhelming But, one day. And then the next. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, and eventually, as in all things, this too shall pass!


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